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Shaker Shallow Lazy Susan Cabinet Door (Right)

Shallow Shaker Lazy Susan Cabinet Door Specs

  • Product ID 948a SR
  • Minimum width 7 9/16” Maximum width 26”
  • Minimum height 6 13/16” Maximum height 60”
  • There is no warranty on doors over 24” wide or 60” tall
  • Stile & Rail details are identical to matching door
  • One stile will be 3" wide and will have a square edge
  • Pictured in Oak with a natural clear finish and Paint Grade painted Dover White

The most common way to achieve the "L" shaped look of a lazy Susan corner cabinet is to butt the standard Shallow Shaker door up to the Shallow Shaker lazy Susan door, creating the perfect corner shaped construction. Here are a couple different examples on how to create this look and instructions on how to measure for each door

Scroll down the page to view pictures of the Shallow Shaker family of doors and drawer fronts.

Click here to order this door Painted.

This door is available in a variety of wood species. It can be ordered with "No Finish" or with a "Natural Clear Finish." If ordering paint-grade, you can choose unfinished or prefinished in several Sherwin Williams conversion varnish colors. Doors ordered as Paint-Grade, either unfinished or painted, will have paintable hardwood frames and MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) panels.

Scroll down the page to view pictures of the Shallow Shaker family of doors and drawer fronts.


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Easy ordering process

Posted by Mateo Q. on Apr 25th 2024

Perfect Match to the Shallow Shaker Cabinet Doors!

Important: Your cabinet doors will be made to the exact size you order.

Most doors are intended to overlay the cabinet opening, and must be larger than the opening they cover.

If you want the door to be larger than the cabinet opening, you must increase the size of the door by adding the overlay amount to the opening size.

The most common overlay is one-half inch.

To order doors that overlay the opening by one-half inch on left, right, top, and bottom, you add 1-inch to width and height.

Watch the video below for detailed instruction!

1. Select a Wood Type

All unfinished products typically ship in 14-16 calendar days (add 30-40 calendar days if ordering painted or finished products).

Please note - Pictures of paint colors shown may vary from on-screen representation. To confirm your color choice prior to purchase, please view a physical color chip or color card.

All unfinished products typically ship in 14-16 calendar days (add 14-21 calendar days if ordering painted or finished products).

2.Fill out the remaining information below

Please select a wood type.

Please note:

  • Use the input field for whole inches, and the select dropdown to select the fraction (decimal).
  • Minimum width: 7 9/16"Minimum height: 6 13/16"Maximum Width: 26"Maximum height: 60"

A center rail will be added to doors built with a cope and stick joint 50” or taller. Doors built with a mitered joint will not have a center rail.

Please note:

  • An additional $40 shipping fee is applied for items 50 to 60 inches in height, or 40 to 48 inches in width.

Please note:

No Warranty on any front having a width of 33” or height of 10” or more.

Please note:

No Warranty on any front having a width of 33” or height of 10” or more.

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Product Reviews

Easy ordering process

Posted by Mateo Q. on Apr 25th 2024

Perfect Match to the Shallow Shaker Cabinet Doors!

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