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Kitchen Cabinet Door Sizes & Ordering

You need replacement cabinet doors, but what size should you order? It’s an important question with an easy answer. Figure out how to size kitchen cabinet doors by following these simple steps:

Question 1. What door style and wood type are you considering?

There are hundreds of door styles to choose from. The major categories are divided by assembly method; Cope and Stick or Mitered.  

 Here is an example of the Mitered assembly method:



Another part of the "Door Style" question is whether you prefer Raised Panel or Inset (recessed) Panel doors.

Both Raised and Inset Panel doors are available with either the Cope & Stick and the Mitered assembly methods. Here are some example pictures:



The two pictures on the Left are examples of Cope & Stick, The first door is our Shaker Inset Panel door, and the second door is our Revere Raised Panel door. The two doors on the right are Mitered with the third being our Wilmington Inset Panel door. The fourth door is our Delaware Raised Panel door.

All of the cabinet doors we make are available in any wood type we offer. And unlike the cabinet doors you get from the big-box retailers, the kitchen cabinet door sizes we sell depend on what the customer asks for. Rather than limiting our customers to standard sizes, we liberate them to order whatever size doors they need in exact dimensions. 

Question 2. Are you replacing existing cabinet doors and reusing your existing hinges?

In this case simply measure the doors you are replacing and order new doors of the same sizes. You don’t need to follow any kind of kitchen cabinet door size chart because the replacement doors will have the exact same size and footprint as the doors there before (but now with the option to have a new style or finish).

Question 3. Are you replacing both your existing doors and having us bore hinge cups for new Blum Concealed Hinges and supply those hinges?

If you plan to use our Top-Quality, Blum Inserta, Clip-top hinges with 1/2-inch overlay, your hinges will ship with your order. The term “overlay” refers to how much the doors lay over the frame of the cabinet, which is another way to describe how much the dimensions of the doors exceed the dimensions of the cabinet openings. With Blum hinges, the doors overlay the frame by ½ inch on all sides. 

You don’t need to follow a kitchen cabinet door size chart to determine how big your doors need to be. You simply need to calculate the door size measurements using this formula:

On single doors simply measure the opening size and add 1-inch to both the width and height. For instance, if the cabinet opening size is 12-inches wide and 24-inches high, the door size will be 13 x 25.

On wider cabinets with two doors (butting in the center), measure the width of the opening, add 1-inch, then divide by 2. Height is figured the same as for single doors. Just add 1-inch to the height opening. For instance, if the opening is 28 inches wide and 30 inches high, each doors width would be 28 + 1 = 29 divided by 2 = 14 1/2-inches wide. The door height would be the 30-inch opening height plus 1-inch, for a door height of 31 inches.

Our Blum hinges have plus/minus 2 millimeters of adjustment which will allow enough side adjustment to have a gap of up to 1/8-inch between the butting doors. If you live in a high humidity climate you may want to subtract an additional 1/16" from the width of your Butt Doors.

So, don't be intimidated into thinking it's difficult to figure door sizes from openings. Just take the measurements, work the arithmetic, and order the door style of your choice...or Contact Us and we'll talk you through the entire process.

Figuring out your kitchen cabinet door sizes takes only a few minutes, and it’s something you need to do no matter where you plan to order replacements from. The only difference is that when you order them from, you tell us what dimensions the doors need to be and we custom build each one to your exact specifications. But with a big-box store, you have to hope they have doors in stock that are cut to standard sizes that happen to conform with what you need. Measuring kitchen cabinet doors sizes isn’t the hard part - finding options that fit is. Let make it easy. 

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